Proposed Amendment TECH-2005-06
Update mechanical ventilation specifications in Table 303.4.1(1)
Proponent: RESNET Standing Technical Committee
Proposed Changes: Add the word "system" to references to mechanical ventilation. (Table 303.4.1(1)) and modify the definition of "Mechanical Ventilation System" (Section 302).
Justification: The amendment EXP 2004-01 has a clear definition of a "Mechanical Ventilation System" but in amendment REF 2004-01 the references in Table 3 omitted the word "system". Because the intent of table 303.4.1(1) is to apply to homes with controlled mechanical ventilation systems rather than exhaust fans with on-off switches, the language in the table should be modified to change the term "mechanical ventilation" to "mechanical ventilation systems" for consistency with other amendments. Note that the definition section has also been modified based on the concerns of the technical committee, so as not to exclude ventilation systems that have clearly labeled, remotely mounted "on-off" controls.
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