EnergySmart Contractor Membership Fee

Taking the EnergySmart Contractor training and passing the exam is simply your first step to becoming a RESNET EnergySmart Contractor. You must be a member of RESNET in order to market yourself as an EnergySmart Contractor, to use the promotional materials and logos provided by RESNET, and to join RESNET EnergySmart Home Performance Teams. Expired members may no longer use the promotional materials.

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RESNET Membership Fee ($400/year)

Local Directory Listing:

  • 25-mile radius in metropolitan/city areas OR 50-mile radius in rural areas ($25 per 5-mile radius increase)
  • 1 trade ($75 per additional trade)

State Directory Listing (Add $845/Year)

Listing Includes:

  • 1 state coverage ($450 per additional state)
  • 1 trade ($175 per additional trade)

National Directory Listing (Add $4,845/Year)

Listing Includes:

  • National coverage (All USA)
  • 1 trade ($975 per additional trade)

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